
Why is it good to keep cats inside?

06 February 2022 by
Cats inside the house Cats inside the house
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Keeping cats inside or outside is the source of a neverending debate in the animal groups on social network sites. Arguments of both parties are understandable, however, in most cases

opinions are based on traditions and believes rather than experiences and knowledge of the animals.


Being judgmental about it can’t lead anywhere, as we don’t see into the other person’s family habits and rules. But we all have a chance to develop, acquire new knowledge and change. It’s also true for me; over the years I’ve learnt a lot about our four-legged friends, including on this topic, so mainly for their benefit, I’ve collected the advantages of keeping cats inside:


  • There were less vehicles on the roads in the past, but nowadays cars are extremely dangerous for our cats. Accidents can happen in no time, and unfortunately they aren’t cautious enough to avoid them in all cases.


  • Our pets kept outside can catch illnesses from their stray peers, and they are at risk of attacks and poisoning too.



  • Animals have a soul too and they give plenty of love. There are more and more of us who are aware of this, and for us they are family members.


  • It’s a huge misconception that cats are only attached to places, and not to humans. Each cat has a different personality, and if we let them into our living space, a strong bond can be formed between us.


  • They’re good for the atmosphere of the house. Cats make us feel calm and help reduce our stress level.


  • They are cold outside in winter. We don’t want to spend winter in a winter coat in an unheated place either, if we can sit next to a fireplace or a radiator.


  • Spayed and neutered female and male cats will live much longer, which is further enhanced by keeping them inside.


  • It prevents unwanted litters, and does not increase the number of poor stray cats.



If you feel that the environment does not provide enough stimulation for your cat, you can take him for a walk on a leash fixed to a harness, but building a catio can also be a solution. Those, who live in a peaceful area, for example in a no through road, tend to keep them both indoors and outdoors and for the night they always let their little pets in.


But on the whole, there’s no doubt that cats have an opportunity for a happier and longer life if they’re kept indoors only, which makes our life happier and more harmonious too.



 (The Hungarian translation is available on


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