
What shall I do if my work environment pulls me down?

11 July 2021 by
Energy level increasing Energy level increasing
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Sometimes it happens that we face negative energy even in the best workplace.

In most cases we don’t realize it immediately, we only feel it by the end of the day that all of our power has gone, and we won’t even want to go in next time.


It doesn’t mean of course that we have to run to the HR department to resign, as it may just be a temporary problem that we can solve, and it may also be that we are responsible for it. So it is worth trying to make things better first.


I’ve collected some ideas, which worked well for me before and helped to make my workdays positive.


Here are some of them:


  • When having an argument, I try to observe people calmly from different point of views, look behind their acts and understand them.


  • As one of my old bosses used to say, ‘communication is a difficult thing’. And it is indeed the case, but it’s not impossible, so I always try to discuss the problems.


  • I don’t talk about others behind their  back, and when I’m a listener, I also stay away from situations like that.


  • I try to be accepting, and I always ask myself why the other person disturbs me. First of all I can change my own attitude, not others’.


  • The company of positive people elevates our energy level. Of course I’m working hard to be that person, but sometimes unsuccessfully. In cases like that I visit a calm colleague of mine for a chat for a few minutes, or I just sit near her, because sometimes her presence helps as well.


  • I refrain from complaining in all cases. On the one hand it doesn’t help at all, it just draws me down more, and on the other hand, I have to solve my own problems in one way or the other. Then what’s the point of blaming it on somebody else?


  • I busy myself with more work, so I am more productive and I don’t have any time left either to listen to the chats.


  • I smile a lot, so most of the time people smile back.


  • In a critical moment I turn to an old beautiful memory, which can be from my childhood as well, when I felt the happiest. It’s enough to just think about it, and I feel better right away.


  • Sometimes I hide away, I read a little, if I have the opportunity, for example in my lunch break. The best is a type of book that makes you think or takes you to another world.


  • I put my headset into my bag in the morning, so in the toughest moments I can listen to music.


  • I use stress releiving techniques after work too, for example I do sports.


  • And last but not least, after arriving home I’m trying to fill myself up with energy, since in these cases we need different impacts, which gratify us. For example the company of my cats or writing my blog.


Try the above things bravely to help increase your energy level, and that way your work and your mood will improve too, which will have a beneficial effect both on you, and on everybody around you.



(The Hungarian translation of the story is available on .)


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